Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Blog Challenge - Day 23

Your favorite movie

Who can pick just one? There are so many great ones out there...but I do have a few favorites that I can watch over and over and over again without ever getting tired of it. Here are a few MUST HAVES:

My first favorite. I think I was back in middle school when it became a favorite. I own my original VHS, even though I don't have a VCR...I just can't get rid of it. Warms my heart!!!

My favorite love story. Annette Benning is one of my favorites!!

Horribly offensive, but hysterical & SO QUOTABLE! This is an ALL time favorite!

Favorite classic. Who doesn't have a favorite John Hughes movie?

My first favorite obsession! I loved everything about this movie. The story, the characters, the climax, the confusion! I remember watching this daily with my friend Ciara. Good times, C!

Last but not least, my favorite dark comedy. I LOVE dark comedies..I must be twisted. But anything from Office Space, to Burn After Reading, to anything by Wes Anderson (Royal Tenenbaums is the best) Something about dysfunctional families and messed up relationships...LOVE IT!

1 comment:

Becca and Billy said...

I love The Secret Garden and American President. I too can watch those over and over.