Thursday, January 13, 2011

Blog Challenge - Day 10

Something you crave a lot

I crave a lot of things. Food, attention, relaxation, shopping, gratitude, time with Joe. Its hard to pick just one. I guess the one thing I crave the most is recognition. I don't know if any of you have ever read the book "The Five Love Languages," but I firmly believe it to be true. It talks about how there are 5 different ways to express love, appreciation and support. They are 1) Words of Affirmation, 2) Quality Time, 3) Receiving Gifts, 4) Acts of Service and 5) Physical Touch. Its an interesting discovery because each of us like to RECEIVE and GIVE differently. Plus you give/receive love differently to all different types of people in your life; spouses, family, friends, clients.  I'm definitely the type that gives gifts and the acts of service to show love and support. Its my thing! That's how I show love and give love. But its different when I want to receive it. I want the words!!! I crave the remarks recognition, support, gratitude and appreciation.

Like I said, everyone is different, but I think the 'thank-you' cards, the appreciative remarks or compliments are the best for me. I love being flattered and talked about. (Not trying to sound conceded here, just being honest.) People can give me gifts, take time out just for me or give me a hug...but its really the kind words that really make me feel special.

There are many people around me, in my personal life and in my business, that don't understand the differences or the fact that I have a special preference. But I do. That is the one thing I crave the most. Recognition. Of course its understandable that people don't know each other preferences, because its not like we go around talking about it or asking for it. But one of the things I do notice in friends of mine or family members, is you can tell when they "really" appreciate something. When I do something, whether its words, a card, a gift, a hug or a phone call, you know when you've touched their heart.

Its very interesting to see different things in everyone and how special each of our needs are. But I can say with almost certainty (most aren't surprised, I'm sure) but I crave the WORDS of love. There you have it!

What's your language of love?

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