Friday, January 14, 2011

Blog Challenge - Day 11

What's in your make-up bag?

Excellent question. Um maybe make-up? LOL!

Well I use the basics: pressed powder, blush, eye shadow, liners mascara & lipstick. I'm pretty plain with my colors, nothing bright or fancy...just browns. I change up my eye-liner quiet a bit. Sometimes lots of liner w/ liquid for definition, then sometimes soft pencil only or on days off work no eye liner at all! I do have a few MUST HAVES. I have to have a powder/base because I have uneven skin tones and then I need blush because I'm really fair skin and once I have all the skin even toned, I look like a ghost. No bronzer for me because again, I'm fair/peach skin toned and a tan would just look ridiculous on me. Mascara is the other must have because I have very blonde eyelashes. With out mascara I look a little frightening. But after that, base-blush-mascara the rest is all relative.

Some days I wish I didn't wear so much. I wish I could just put mascara on and call it good...but with my blotchy colored skin, I'd look a lot older and unkempt. Can't have that in the beauty industry!!! Luckily I do dye my eyebrows, so I don't have to pencil those blonde hairs. That's tedious for sure.

There you have it. I don't keep anything else, other than make-up (oh and tweezers) in my bag. Unless I travel, I put all my other toiletries in there.

I do however, have one vice that I'm going to admit on the world wide web. I do my make-up in the car...while driving. I know, so dangerous and ILLEGAL! But I must say I'm pro-status here. I actually keep my make-up bag in the car because I don't do it anywhere else. Its nice to have when I'm out and about and need a touch up. Plus wherever I go I always look fresh!  It is quite the skill to do while driving - most of the time I'm not even looking in the mirror. Stopping at red lights help and knowing the road by heart/feel also helps!! I know, I know, so bad....yell at me later!!

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