I had a wonderful evening with my little nephew Jesse.
Joe and my bro-in-law Jesse having been watching every movie Clint Eastwood has EVER made, in chronological order...that's a whole other blog, let me tell you! Haha. Anyway, tonight they set up to watch "Escape from Alcatraz" so Kalie & little Jesse came over as well.
Unfortunately its hard for the guys to really enjoy the movie with us girls are chatting and a 4 1/2 year old is running & yelling about, so I made plans for some hardcore entertainment for this kid.
First, aprons on! We made brownies!! I now know what its like baking with a little kid. Mix powder went everywhere, licking the spoon is a necessity and he has to do everything himself! He did great. Even cracked the egg with NO shells in the batter!
While the brownies were cookin' I had him make a "Halloween" gingerbread house. I bought these kits from Wal-Mart, houses already made, they're just for decorating (which is the best part anyway!)
We had a little too much fun being creative and messy. I think Jesse ate more frosting and sugary treats than he actually put on the house. Oh well, we had a good time. His mom, Kalie was there to help him too.
Then it was brownie time!!! He wanted to make them "Halloween" as well, so with a thin layer of chocolate syrup, we sprinkled Halloween on top! Yes, these brownies were 100% sugar!!! Actually eating the brownies was a whole other story...he didn't eat any of it! It was the process that made it fun.
Here are a few pictures from tonight. I kept him entertained as long as I could. He was about to pop in a "Halloween" movie, The Night Before Christmas, but it was getting late and his parents wanted to head home. But I did let him borrow the movie, so he can continue the "Halloween" night when he gets home.
What a great night. All "Halloween" themed and the holiday is still 28 days away. We're getting excited though!!!
Thanks Kalie & Jesse for coming over and letting me hang with the little man. He's great fun and he really does make my heart SUPER happy!! xoxox
He was concentrating pretty hard!
He is showing me is "Attoo" he got earlier in the day
I got the broken house. I tried to repair it with icing. Couldn't fix the whole roof though...
This is the front "good" side
Our back "messy" side!
Our SUGAR brownies
What a wonderful evening!!!