Sunday, January 18, 2009

Woes of management

Wow, I've been managing my salon for just over 2 weeks now and I'm started to 2nd guess my decision. Management is so hard!! So many responsibilities - so many problems to deal with. Did I make the right choice?

Its been such a learning experience for me. I've already had to let one person go, hold a monthly meeting and I've had 3 "manager to stylist" chats. Its just so uncomfortable sometimes and I'm taking work home with me. I think Joe knows just as much as I do about what goes on in that place.

I do love being back in Riverton. Don't get me wrong. Plus it's a promotion for crying out loud. Its a good thing and definitely a good step in my career. But I'm thinking I might not be cut out for management. I'm emotional. I'm a push-over and I care too much. I need to learn that "tough love" my managers always had. I need to acquire that intimidating feeling I always had for my previous managers. Do they sell that online? Can I purchase courage? Subordination? The Wrath of Erica Black? Instead of gaining new personality traits or work ethic, can I just buy them or borrow from someone else?

This is really hard for me. I'm not sure I can overcome this obstacle in my way. I want to run a successful salon and have kick butt stylists that are yearning to further their careers. I want my cake - and I want to eat it too.

Its still a work in progress - I've only been there 2 weeks. But man I'm stressed out. I had my nails done, just so I'd stop munching on them. I'm full of anxiety!?!

On a positive note, I started working out to alleviate some of my stress. I might actually lose some weight with all this chaos.....could be a good thing. Take out all my anger and irritation on a treadmill. (or Andee's exercise bike!! Thank you Smalls!!)

Along with my big purchase of "management material" online, can I buy some perspective too?


Elizabeth R said...

You so have it in you friend! Don't be scared by a little're Erica, full of talent and potential! Stick with it, you will find your groove.

KALIE said...

I totally agree with Moffit. You're tough and you know what you need to do to be successful. It'll only be hard for the first little while, then you'll find your inner manager! I know you'll rock at it.

snowchica said...

Uncle Scott always hated that part of his job too! I think what helped him is reading up on it, studying how to not only be a good boss but someone who is respected. Ya know? You might need to head down to barnes and noble and see if they have any good books that help. people take college courses just on that subject red, you are definately not in the minority when it comes to management. Don't 2nd guess this job, you are great at it. Oh and you are also a people pleaser, that even makes it more difficult. You have it in you, you just got to know where and how to use it! I love you Aim