Saturday, November 8, 2008

We didn't have to say goodbye!

So yesterday was Edison's dreadful Vet appointment. First off, he's still with us. Thankfully we were able to bring him home. When we got to the vet, we had to enter through the back door and go straight into an examining room; apparently they take no risks with Kennel Cough and they don't want to expose any other animals in the waiting room. Anyway, the Vet examined Edison and listened to his breathing. After not hearing any Kennel Cough-like symptoms in his lungs, they decided to take an x-ray of his lungs and heart. Long story short, but 2 x-rays, a blood test and inhaler experiments later, we found out that Edison no longer has Kennel Cough and isn't contagious - thank heavens!! However since he was coughing for so long, his respiratory system is shot. The "filters" in his breathing canal are broken and are not filtering the air or the mucus he is trying to cough up. So we've got more meds that will help repair the damage and suppress his cough so it won't get worse.

The Vet says it isn't serious enough to put him down. So we're trying a research medication for suppressing his cough. (The Vet gave us that medicine for free...gee thanks...after already spending nearly $200 in just that visit, I appreciate that free $15 drug!?!?!) Anyway things are looking good for Edison. The Vet says there is hope and that's all I needed to hear!!

It was an emotional day. Both Joe and I had prepared ourselves for the worst. And once we got there and found out that he isn't serious enough to be put down, I started bawling... uncontrollably!! Its so hard to prepare yourself for something and then find out that it isn't going to happen any time soon. Its a good thing, of course, but I was an emotional wreck.

An interesting note, for those who care enough to still be reading this, in the x-rays, we found a BB-bullet in his muscle tissue on his right side. That's right a BB. Somewhere, somehow Edison was shot with a BB gun. It's long since been healed, so I'm sure it was 10 or so years ago...but it was interesting to find out. With all that's going on, he is living with a bullet in his rib muscle. Go figure.

But thank you to everyone for you kind words. We appreciate the thoughtfulness and your prayers. Edison is like a child to us and it's been an emotional roller coaster. I was amazed by all the response. You guys are all so kind and made me feel great. Its wonderful to have all that support! THANK YOU!!!

Here's hoping Edison lives another year!


Miss Meghann said...

YAYYYY!! GO EDISON! I'm so happy for all of you guys! YAY FOR GOOD NEWS!!

Becca and Billy said...

Oh I'm so glad it all worked out!

Andee said...

I was so happy to see him come home! The world is not ready to say goodbye to the Long Lasting Ed! Neither am I! He may have tried to bite my toes off every so often, but I love the tough little guy!

Sharon/MOM said...

Wow that is so stressful and I know what you mean about the emotions of it all.....hardest think I had to do was put Zoey down. Still brings tears to my eyes. So Dodged a bullet...literally with BB and all... and enjoy for now. Hope he feels better. Love Aunt Sharon

Amanda said...

AWWW I'm glad to hear that he is home with you guys! That's good he is sooo cute dogs are just the best! Hey I was wondering if you would send me your address I would like to send you a xmas card! You can leave it on my blog or email me at Thanks!! =)